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Aging & Growth Hormone (Somatropin) Vs. GHRPs (Sermorelin, Ipamorelin, Tesamorelin, & Ibutamoren)

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

Human Growth Gormone (hGH) is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the pituitary gland. It plays important roles in physiological growth, cell regeneration, and cell mitosis (proliferation).

HGH assists in the maintaining, building, and repair process of healthy tissue in the brain and other organs. This hormone may help to speed up healing after an injury & repair muscle tissue after hard exercise. This helps to build lean muscle mass, increase metabolic rate, and decrease adiposity (fat cells).

HGH is also cited to benefit the quality and appearance of the skin. Anecdotal evidence suggests long term low dose administration may slow down aging processes, and treat age-related diseases. However, research supporting this is limited. There are currently no long term human trials on endocrinologically normal middle aged or elderly individuals, most studies are performed on mice, with trial groups including gHD mice, Ames dwarf, and double mutant (df/KO) population groups. (NCBI/NIH)

HGH works by stimulating metabolic processes in cells to activate metabolism. It stimulates the liver to make an insulin-like protein that produces cartilage cells. This plays a part in bone and organ growth, as well as muscle protein synthesis. GHRP or Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides have been recently promoted as a "natural route" to increasing IGF-1 synthesis and natural secretion of gH in the pituitary gland. There are a few different types including Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, Tesamorelin, & Ibutamoren. They all play similar roles in IGF-1, gH, and Ghrelin reception intervention, but lack the supplementation value of introducing true Human Growth Hormone into the body exogenousely.

What's the difference?

Somatropin (Human Growth Hormone (Brand names: Omnitrope, Zomacton, Norditropin)

This hormone is an FDA approved replacement virtually identical to the bodies natural growth hormone. Taking these medications is supplementation, similar to the way testosterone or insulin are supplemented into the body exogenously to increase the patients own natural level. With supplementation of any hormone there is always a risk of damaging the bodies natural feedback loop, which can result in both positive and negative side effects. On the upside it makes it virtually impossible to overdose since the hormone level is controlled by the feedback loop it initiates. On the downside atrophy of the natural cycle can be a factor, This can happen when any hormone is introduced into the human body, in simple terms the body does not know that the new supply of specific hormones it is seeing is exogenously generated. The body stops production of said hormone, thereby causing atrophy over time from non secretion. This is very commonly explained with testosterone patients. After some time on testosterone replacement patients will notice a shrinking of the testicles, this is due to the bodies response to extra testosterone in the system. It stops the LH/FSA production and spermatogenisis halts. This process is easily fixed, but must be done early, prolonged atrophy can become permanent. Human Chorionic Gonadatropin, and in some cases clomiphene/Enclomiphene can be used in small doses to intervene in the feedback loop and force the body to produce LH/FSH (luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating hormone) This process of atrophy vs. supplementation can be similarly combatted in gH intervention and GHRP implementation, but these hormones are far more dose specific.


Dosages of GHRP vs. Growth Hormone are also different. It usually takes a slightly more potent mix of GHRP to achieve the effects that an exogenous growth hormone can produce easily with a smaller dose. Since the cost of brand name growth hormones are so high, many clinics use GHRPs as an economical way to help patients supplement for strength, longevity, and weight management. There are even some that do not have to be administered subcutaneously and can be taken by mouth such as Ibutamoren. Oral GHRP/GLP are effective, but the cascade of effect takes much longer than their injectable counterparts. Therapeutic dosages of Somatropin range from 1IU-4IU daily accounting for micro-dose and standard therapies. Performance dosages are typically much higher - these dosages can exceed 300mcg three times daily. This is not appropriate for longevity or adults who lack natural growth hormone, and those with chronic kidney failure.

Sermorelin dosages can range from 100mcg up to 1000mcg daily. This varies widely due to the extremely short half life. Limited studies have been done testing single day dosing regiments against multi dose daily regiments. Both show increased GH production, but data is not confirmed as to which is ultimately better. A micro-dose example would be 150mcg-200mcg once daily typically in the evenings since GH secretion can make patients feel tired. It can also interact with glucocorticoid medications so medical consultation is very important prior to administration.

Ipamorelin is somewhat different than its counterparts with a longer half life. It causes GH secretion in a manner more closely resembling the bodies natural pulse pattern of release. Since GHRPs do not exogenously supplement, there is no atrophy of the natural growth hormone system. Patients typically notice better joint health, flexibility, sleep quality, injury repair, and shedding adipose tissue becomes easier. It also anectotally has been shown to positively effect the immune system, and collagen production. The dosing of Ipamorelin can vary depending on what the goal is, but standard longevity benefits would require a dose between 100mcg-200mcg daily in the evenings. Maximizing strength conditioning and lean muscle mass would require a dosage of 200-300mcg up to three times daily, but higher dosages can also illicit higher side effect profiles (flushing, headache, nausea, lethargy) Extremely high dose can have an effect on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and prolactin, and cause water retention, tingling, & numbness in the hands/feet. These side effects are typically rare, and only seen in patients using a dose that is unusually high.

Prices can vary depending on the treatment plan, clinic, pharmacy, and route of administration/duration. All kits come with supplies to reconstitute if needed, and inject.

MedClub Pricing for Longevity Protocols

  • Omnitrope 5.8mg - $575/kit

  • Sermorelin 9mg - $229/vial

  • Sermorelin 15mg - $249/vial

  • Ipamorelin 6mg - $239/kit

  • Tesamorelin 8mg - $400/vial

  • Ibutamoren 25mg - $6/capsule

Prices do not include delivery

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