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Covid-19 Antibody Test

Quest laboratories recently released the antibody blood testing for Covid-19 (coronavirus).

This test allows patients and providers to know and track who has already been exposed to the virus even if they did not show symptoms.

How to obtain this test?

Call our office and setup an appointment to come in for a blood draw. A single sample is taken and sent to the laboratory, results typically take 3-7 days on average.

How much is Covid-19 anti-body testing?

The test does not currently have a ICD10 code for insurance carrier billing as of 04/21/2020

This means insurance is not covering this test at this time. The out of pocket cost for the blood draw and the antibody test is $265 total.

How accurate is this Test?

“It showed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.6%,” said Alex Greniger, assistant director of the UW Virology Lab. “Diagnostically, this is one of the best tests we can offer,” he said.

The test specifically looks for what’s called an IgG antibody -- something your immune system makes after you encounter Covid19.

To find out more visit our website or call our office for scheduling.

Stay Safe & Be Well!

- MedClub

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